TC-11 is finally out there

On December 14th, my long-term project TC-11 was finally unleashed into the wild. Now it is live (alive?), and in the hands of users who will make it their own. But I wanted to take a moment to thank a few people for their support.

My colleagues in the electronic music department at UWM, Chris Burns and Jon Welstead, deserve so much credit for guiding me in synthesis and programming. Jon has always been a huge support for me. And before I met Chris, I hadn’t written a drop of audio code. You can definitely hear their voices in this app.

Jack Miller was kind enough to let me dump TC-11 builds on his iPad, and David Collins has been a great tester and pre-release performer. Many features would not be there if it weren’t for seeing them destroying my early, rickety builds.

But the most thanks goes to my wife, MarĂ­a Valentina, who supported me even as I disappeared into my studio for weeks at a time. She has been an incredible partner throughout the whole process. And she is a brutal beta tester!

Thanks to all my colleagues, friends, and family for your support. Now go check out TC-11 over at the Bit Shape side of this site!
