Kevin Schlei

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VisualSynth 1.0
System Requirements: Intel Core2Duo, Java
Built with Processing

Playback Controls
RETURN - return playback to beginning
TAB - hold playback position
m - mute / unmute
{ - slow playback speed
} - increase playback speed
[ - set punch in location
] - set punch out location
SHIFT-\ - clear punch in/out location
\ - jump playback to current mouse location

Tuning Controls
1-0 - tunings

Drawing Controls
` - show drawing tool selector
l - draw with lines
p - draw with points
SHIFT-P - draw with a cluster of points
s - draw with a synth FX shape
t - draw a constant tone
SHIFT-T - draw with vertical lines
e - draw with eraser
k - draw with semi-transparent blocks
d - draw mode toggle (white / black - additive / subtractive)
SHIFT-M - move the image

Filter Controls
c - clear field
i - invert y-axis
r - reverse x-axis
SHIFT-R - reverse boomerang
v - reverb
b - blur
SHIFT-B - blur + original
& - render random point cluster
UP - hipass (mouse position is cutoff frequency)
DOWN - lowpass (mouse position is cutoff frequency)
LEFT - fade in (mouse position is fade end)
RIGHT - fade out (mouse position is fade begin)

Clipboard Controls
z - undo / redo
SHIFT-C - copy current image into clipboard
SHIFT-V - paste clipboard
+ - add clipboard to current image
- - subtract clipboard from current image
* - multiply clipboard with current image

©2006 Kevin Schlei